robert kim


Brett Goldstein


Dear Robert:

As you know, I went to take headshots for my live interviews on FOX, CNN, and several other syndicated television financial programs. The pictures taken by this photographer were awful. They resembled a mug shot. I then found another photographer who said that she woudl retake my headshots, but she only used natural light. My first camera was a Canon AE-1 and then I moved up to the Canon F-1. Having had darkroom experience, I knew that natural light wouldn’t do what I wanted for my headshots. What if it was cloudy or raining the day of my shoot? or even worse, what if it were 100-degrees in the shade? This is the reason my friend David Letterman always keeps his studio so cold. Who wants to see a sweaty talk show host?
Thus my instincts told me that an outdoor shoot was out of the question and prompted me to research the studio light shooters in NYC. I came across our website and I was so impressed with not only your bio, but the nearly endless list of celebrities you have done headshots for.
When I arrived at your studio you were friendly and FUNNY! I’ve never felt entirely comfortable at a photo sessions before, but you made smiling (which I normally not very good at) and posing in front of the camera (I’d rather be behind one) easy. My headshots came out fantastically and everyone, including my wife who is my harshest critic, loved them. I will be recommending you a lot to my friends, associates, and colleagues.
The next time I come in for new headshots, please book extra time for me so we can get some great Korean bibimbap after the shoot!

Thanks again.


Brett Goldstein

Financial Consultant