robert kim


Celia Allen


Dear Robert:

My letter may be a bit lengthy, but I wanted to share my story with you and I truly believe that “everything happens for a reasn.”
Meeting you has been both a pleasure and an honor.
My career has had to stop for over eight months now due to the fact that I was diagnosed with breast cancer, but I’m okay now…the devil chose the wrong lady to battle against! I had to undergo a double mastectomy. After only 4-weeks post-op,  I am starting my reconstruction, in so many ways. This surgery has taken a toll on me physically and certainly emotionally, I feel like I’ve aged a thousand years. I thought I’d never find a photographer that I’d want to open up to and ‘trust’. Then, here you are! I wanted my personality and my femininity to be captured in all my headshots, you did this. Other photographers did not. You  have a natural “eye” for knowing when the lighting and positioning is exactly “right”; most importantly, when ‘that right moment’ has arrived to be captured forever on film. Your reputation as an outstanding photographer is certainly well deserved.
Robert, you have a way of making people feel absolutely relaxed and confident during their headshot session. Your warm and delightful personlity, combined with your untouchable talent for capturing the true essence of your subject certainly came through with the final headshots I now have. Thank you for loving your craft with the same passion as I do mine. It shows through your final product… my photographs truly are a work of art( I even reproduced that portrait study you did of me for my family, as Christmas gifts– they loved them!).
I recommend that anyone who wishes to move their career forward in the most professional manner, come to you.  They will leave with the confidence knowing that their money and time has been more than well spent… I am blessed  to have gained a friend.

Warm Regards,

Celia Allen


Thanks again for your suggestion of natural juicing as a wonderful way of building my immune system and preventing future problems. I can’t afford a good machine right now, but as soon as I’m able, I’ll be sure to take your many suggestions!