robert kim


David Rivera


Hey Rob,

It’s David Rivera I wanted to say Thanks for giving me the look I wanted in my headshots and let you  know I made it safely out to L.A. I’ve been here for a month and have started taking some classes and already doing extra work. I’m about to rap up my commercial classes and I’ve narrowed down some top commercial agents to send my headshots out to! I finally feel like things are going my way! I want to ask you if you had any advice fo me on who to stay away from or any advice you  might offer for me? Thanks again for putting me steps ahead of the game with great headshots! Every time I show my headshots to LA casting directors I get nothing but good feedback about them. I’m living out my dream with confidence thanks to you! Hope business is booming for you and if I ever need to get more shots I know exactly who to go, when people ask who took my headshots I tell them you don’t have good headshots until you’ve worked with Mr. Kim! Thanks for such a fun and productive shoot, and my mom is still raving about that Korean restaurant you treated us to afterwards! We won ’t forget it. Hope to hear from you soon. 🙂

Your Friend,

David Rivera