robert kim


Julia Santucci


Dear Robert,

..I am speechless, literally speechless..but even so this is a very easy and much needed letter to write- nice with that haircut, it was transforming. After meeting with you and her I truly felt like a mark was being made in my life, like rom here out only great things will be happening. And so far so true. I hope your potential clients read this letter and know what you are capable of, because I am telling your all it is HARD  to find. Robert took time to talk to me before hand and actually cared, instead of just taling my money and snapping a picture. Believe me, I tried the cheap way out and it was horrible, it is soo true what you invest you get out. I aslo am writing this because although your website is exceptional, I still was a little iffy until I read your letters. That was just the icing on the cake. Also, I can not forget Colleen,  the makeup artist Robert insists you get. Again, to be perfectly, perfectly honest I was still skeptical with the overall cost, but when I tell you that I’m soo proud to say from hair to makeup to an unbelievable photographer I truly couldn’t be more pleased with the outcome. For once, there is energy and my personality coming out of my headshot. So please if you have any doubts or you’re a little weary about spending the money, don’t be! If your a serious actor and want to be taken seriously you need to represent yourself with only the best! Robert.. it was worth every penny!! Thank you so much!!

Julia Santucci