robert kim


Paul Iacono


Dear Robert –

You have been “my man” ever since I was fourteen, two headshots and a lifetime ago.

I’ve stuck with you all this time for good reason. Your headshots really, really WORK (hopefully the many friends I’ve referred to you actually took my advice!).

I just booked a new episodic series for MTV called, “The Hard Times of RJ Berger,” where I play the lead, a kid with “a very large problem,” if you know what I mean.  Just IMDB the title and can read all about the show and see your first B&W headshot of me at the top of the credits.  I hope you can catch the show, here’s the link:

I don’t think that I need to add to what others have said about your work over the years, only to say that it’s simply the best.

Be Well,

Paul Iacono