robert kim


Ron Kidd


Being a somewhat superstitious person, I’ve hesitated to write you for fear that this recent run of good fortune would be jinxed. Returning to the city last year, after ten years on the road performing in several national stage tours, it was time to update my headshot. I returned to my favourite photographer; someone I had been employing effectively since I came to NY in 1983. I circulated my new headshot faithfully to the agents, casting directors, and ad agencies, and waited for the calls to roll in. I waited and waited and waited.
After nine months of waiting, I took stock of the situation. Credits were good. Mailing lists were up-to-date. At open calls, I got callbacks, and I was even cast in a production. Why weren’t the mailed headshots working for me?
At auditions, I asked working actors about their photographers, I browsed bulletin boards and scanned the internet. However, it was while combing through Backstage, that I saw your ad and, over a period of several weeks, read letters that you posted from satisfied customers. I interviewed several photographers, but it was your before-and-after portfolios, and Mari Lynn Henry’s letter of praise that moved me to make an appointment with you for a shoot.
At the end of last month, I sent out our new headshots. Mind you the resume, cover letter, and envelopes were basically the same as last year’s, BUT THIS TIME, inside of just four days, I was contacted by three separate agencies to send a packet of headshots for freelance submissions, I was submitted for an HBO film, and I booked a job on a magazine editorial shoot. Last year, I may have been the new old face in town. But this year, I am the new old face that is working in town!
Being superstitious, I feel it was my great fortune to have found you. However, the quality of your works is not left to chance, and does not rely on luck. During recent interview opportunities, six agents and casting directors, without prompting after seeing my headshots, have not recognized your work, but have praised it saying that your pictures are able to capture a person’s personality.
I am truly amazed and genuinely grateful for your artistry. It has been a huge help in putting my talents to work. My thanks and good wishes for continued success stories for us both.


Rod Kidd