Hi Robert
It was such a treat to reconnect with you the other nite. It is amazing what has happened for me ever since I’ve sent out the headshots you created. It has been almost exactly as you have said. You shared with me that the images were fantastic and that Ican expect many calls from sending them out. You were so RIGHT!
I have been getting fantastic response. I think your advice of waiting until after the new year was very beneficial. I sent out to only one casting agent and I was within 30 days hired on my first major sitcom, 30 Rock. All from the pictures you took which helped to create the initial hello. Can you believe in only 3 months I have been hired 6 times. All of which I don’t know whould have happened if I hadn’t been able to work with you.
I’m attaching to this email a copy of my most recent job that I’ve been hired for due to the headshot which I sent them. They hired me because of the look we captured that day in your studio. The interesting part of this job was that I was late in sending in my information and headshots. They had already casted and I sent my pics in anyway, letting them know I was available in case anything might unfold during their production, well it is amazing what happened, here is what unfolded:
Hi Scott
I like your look and I need a hard detective for three scenes, questioning a bartender, following suspects, arresting the murderer.
You up for it? I especially like the headshot with the tie. You look like a chief investigator Griffin. I like the name too. I will be writting you into the script because the “look” is right! THE SCENE WILL SHOOT THIS THURSDAY.
Raven Williamson, Director