robert kim


Tiffany Cooper


Dear Robert,

When I won the complimentary photo shoot with you at this year’s Actorfest drawing, I thought: Why should I get new headshots when the ones I have already work for me?” Boy, was I wrong! My career is getting the jumpstart it needed. I believe that there is a reason for everything in life, and  there was a reason I won that raffle. I can’t tell you the overwhelming response I’ve already received from your headshots. Your photos have opened a new doors to films and commercials for me. I think the difference with your pictures is,  I’m getting called in for more “Contract roles” as opposed to extra parts,  and from primetime television casting directors.
I not only recommended you to scene partners, friends, and instructors, but associates overseas as well. The one thing I learned from you was this & ndash; you can spend very little on headshots and get no response from casting directors and agents, or you can spend your money on quality headshots and work forever!
Thank you for taking my career to the next level, and allowing me to be a part of your beautiful art.

Blessings Always,

Tiffany Cooper